Poseidon Engineering has extensive experience in the treatment of cooling water systems and their associated equipment. Each treatment program is custom designed for your particular application, taking into account water make-up conditions, equipment characteristics, heat load, and environmental restrictions. We provide the latest chemical technologies and automation that meets our customer’s needs. Most importantly, we provide unparalleled service that sets us apart from all other water treatment providers.
Cooling Treatment Capabilities
- Pretreatment equipment and troubleshooting, including softeners and filtration.
- Custom treatment programs based on your specific facility.
- Cutting edge scale and corrosion control products.
- Oxidizing and non-oxidizing biocides.
- Dispersants and antifoams.
- Closed loop scale and corrosion inhibitors.
- Advanced automation and control.
- Cooling system studies, including system volume, blowdown rate, make-up rate, and holding time index.
- Cooling water system cleaning services, including scale and iron removal.
- Full line of water treatment equipment.
- Complete laboratory analysis of water samples, solid deposits, microbiological deposits, and corrosion coupons.
- Legionella consultation and analysis.